Estate Planning in Queensland – Be Prepared

Advanced health directives QLD

There are certainly challenges that come with growing old in Queensland. How, for example, would your healthcare decisions be made if you were unable to make them yourself? read more.

Mental Health and Capacity

October is Mental Health Month and 10 October 2019 is world Mental Health Day.

More than 1 in 5 Australians are affected by mental illness, and there are a range of legal issues that can arise for sufferers and their family and supporters. One of the most critical legal issues when considering mental health is that of ‘capacity’ – the circumstances in which a person can make decisions for themselves, and the circumstances in which they can delegate these decisions.

Advance Health Directives – Do you really need one?

Part of any proper estate planning is giving consideration to how healthcare decisions will be made if you are unable to make them yourself. Generally, this can be achieved through the use of enduring powers of attorney, which allow a person to appoint people to make (among other things) health decisions on their behalf if they are unable to.